Dharug Dictionary

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Word List

Dharug English Category Dialect
garriberri coroboree dharug Listen [more]
yarragul clean Warami dharug Listen [more]
wari carry away dharug Listen [more]
walu chin Barrang dharug Listen [more]
nura country Nura dharug Listen [more]
ngurra camp Nura dharug Listen [more]
ngayiri carry Manyaniya dharug Listen [more]
guwuwi Come here Warami dharug Listen [more]
gurung child Mudjin dharug Listen [more]
gurung child or baby dharug Listen [more]
gunalung caterpillar Insect dharug Listen [more]
gulyangarri children Mudjin dharug Listen [more]
gayumay Collin's Cove Warami dharug Listen [more]
gawi come here! dharug Listen [more]
gawi come! Manyaniya dharug Listen [more]
garrinarribili cough Manyaniya dharug Listen [more]
garalung caterpillar dharug Listen [more]
garaguru cloud Nura dharug Listen [more]
garagun centipede Insect dharug Listen [more]
gannaguliyung clan name dharug Listen [more]
ganing cave Nura dharug Listen [more]
galuwa climb Warami dharug Listen [more]
duwana courtship Mudjin dharug Listen [more]
daranggara cabbage tree Plant Dharawal Listen [more]
daranggara cabbage tree Plant dharug Listen [more]
darangara cabbage tree Warami dharug Listen [more]
burammediagal clan name dharug Listen [more]
bulmiya clap hands Warami dharug Listen [more]
bira cheek Barrang dharug Listen [more]
berriwerri crossing place dharug Listen [more]
bayinmilyi cool Warami dharug Listen [more]
bayinmilyi cool oneself dharug Listen [more]
banyibulung Colebe's Child Warami dharug Listen [more]
ngalawayu gumang come sit with grandfather dharug Listen [more]
gungaray chest dharug Listen [more]
buung cheeks dharug Listen [more]
gama- call dharug [more]
gandal candle dharug [more]
nuwi canoe, boat or other water dharug [more]
damang cap or covering for the head dharug [more]
wudi cap or covering for the head dharug [more]
wulgan cap or covering for the head dharug [more]
djamuldjamul carrion hawk or whistling kite dharug [more]
gudhaway carrion hawk or whistling kite dharug [more]
Ngayiri Carry Dharawal [more]
dharrawa cat Dharawal [more]
gambaguluk cattle - horned cattle dharug [more]
ngalamay caught by the elbow, dharug [more]
djingaring centipede dharug [more]
ganaray centipede dharug [more]
buduway ceremony to prevent people becoming theives dharug [more]
damuli change names dharug [more]
birra cheek dharug [more]
Ku-kunda Cheek Dharawal [more]
djang- chew dharug [more]
wungarra djugama child carried on the shoulders dharug [more]
buriguru child eight months old dharug [more]
damunalung child or baby dharug [more]
garadyigan child or baby dharug [more]
gurung child; baby Dharawal [more]
burraay children Dharawal [more]
gadigabudyari Christmas bell Plant Dharawal [more]
gadigalbudyari christmas bell Plant dharug [more]
bumarabanyali clap hands dharug [more]
winima close by dharug [more]
buruwa cloud dharug [more]
darrilbarra club dharug [more]
darrilbarra, duwinul, ganadaling, ganigul, ngalangala club Warami dharug [more]
duwinul club dharug [more]
ganadaling club dharug [more]
ganigul club dharug [more]
garrawang club dharug [more]
Kudru Club Dharawal [more]
ngalangala club dharug [more]
ngalangala darrilbarra club dharug [more]
wuda club dharug [more]
banday club - a plain club dharug [more]
gabarra club - a plain club dharug [more]
Wuda, wudi club shaped from a long piece of wood thicker at one end Dharawal [more]
warayama Cockatoo Island, sixth island dharug [more]
bimbala cockles Fish Dharawal [more]
dagura cold dharug [more]
dagura madjanga cold - severely cold dharug [more]
medjung cold - severely cold dharug [more]
mana- collect (see 'take') dharug [more]
gawi bidja come here! dharug [more]
ngamuru compass - literally 'to see the way dharug [more]
buruwanwa compass direction Nura dharug [more]
dudba conceal dharug [more]
gunama cook dharug [more]
Bayin cool Dharawal [more]
bayin- cool-to cool dharug [more]
galin copulate dharug [more]
galu copulate dharug [more]
ganadinga copulate dharug [more]
ngudadha copulate dharug [more]
yanga copulate dharug [more]
gulgagaru corkwood Plant dharug [more]
garaga cough dharug [more]
garragin cough dharug [more]
garri- cough dharug [more]
wudiba wudiba country near bare island dharug [more]
nura country; place Dharawal [more]
walamul cove near Farm cove dharug [more]
gariyagin cove next to Farm Cove dharug [more]
Bubanga cover Dharawal [more]
bubanga- cover dharug [more]
bubilyi- cover oneself dharug [more]
bangi covered or dressed - as a sore dharug [more]
djirrun coward, run away dharug [more]
yara crab dharug [more]
ginyi crack between the nails dharug [more]
daguba creek - brush cherry Plant Dharawal [more]
daguba creek or brush cherry dharug [more]
maruwi creep dharug [more]
mirral crested pigeon dharug [more]
wanyuwin crested shrike-tit dharug [more]
bayala crooked dharug [more]
Kittie-la-gu Crooked Dharawal [more]
guragayin cross-eyed dharug [more]
wugan crow Bird Dharawal [more]
Waroo Crow, Dharawal [more]
dunga- cry or weep dharug [more]
yiwayiwa gagagaga cry uttered by assistants during tooth evulsion dharug [more]
biyani curative operation performed dharug [more]
biyani curative operation performed by women to cure illness in other women Dharawal [more]
warabada dadja curse - a curse dharug [more]
galabidya cut dharug [more]
wugan minaring cutting off dharug [more]
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